Since becoming a mom, the craziest thing is how time flies. Both with how almost 2 months have passed since Isaac was born, but also just the time in the day. Days fly by and many times i feel like i have no idea where the day went. So the snugglie and Isaac and i have become great friends, as momma Karyn and so many others had told me. Throw him in it and get work done around the house. Why is it that when you are staying home the house is such a mess. You'de think there is more time to clean up, but it just doesn't work out that way. I'm giving into the fact that the place won't be spick and span all the time, but i'm trying to get back into my usual habit of keeping the place straight. Why is it so hard to do now that i have a kid? Friends tell me it takes a few months to get back into your comfortable groove of things and man is that true. I feel like i'm on my way though, so thats good.
Naked time is so important, as is the snugglie, I had you guys front, then back and that was how things got done.